Monday, November 8, 2010

Things To Ponder and Sleep on

My most reflective and creative times are the early hours of the morning between 3 and 5am, when I lie awake and let my mind go where it wants to ......... well, mostly.  If it strays too long on the negative, I coax it back to thoughts of gratitude, from which more positive thoughts once again flow.

The Drawer under my desk in my studio is filled with scraps of paper, with thoughts and ideas scribbled down in these wee hours.  Notebooks and sketchpads, filled with scribblings and doodles - embryos of new poems, stories and paintings.  Often a single word or sentence will spark an idea or a verse.  Today I'd like to share a couple of these with you.  Firstly a poem which - as is usual - evolved in one of these early morning 'sessions'.

Return to Soul - A poem by Kim D
“They say you reap that which you sow
And this is true, for this I know
There was a time my life was dark
When sadness filled my lonely heart
For far too long my heart did cry
And when at last I questioned why
I looked in my neglected soul
To find a dark and gaping hole
And realized that the hurt I felt
To others and myself I’d dealt
And then as my awakening grew
My soul did show me what to do
And from a journey painful and slow
My inner beauty began to show
And as it grew my heart did lift
To happier times my life did shift
So this is what you need to do
For the law of attraction to work for you
Surround yourself with that which you seek
Joy, love and happiness each day of the week
Your thoughts and actions shape your day
As does each word that you do say
The universe reflects it back at you
So to your heart and soul be true.”

 Image Copyright Kim Dreyer 2009

And then I’d like to leave you with the following thought:

‘Our lives on this planet are fragile and short, so if we're to leave something behind, let it be love, hope and happiness, for surely that is then what we will take with us on our next  journey too!’


  1. Very beautiful.
    Do you mind if I print this out and put it in my own journal? With credit to you of course (it's just a notebook I write in that no one sees).

    My most creative hour is 5am to 6am just before I get up.

  2. Hi Jenni
    Thanks so much. You are welcome to repost this in your own journal.
    Thanks for all your wonderful comments. I am sorry to be so late in responding.
